Loading JavaScript using async and defer

Inline scripts and links to external JavaScript files are commonly placed before the closing </body> tag so that they will be loaded and executed only after the HTML is parsed.

PHP Standards Recommendation Reference

The PHP Standards Recommendation, also known as “PSR”, is about how you should write your PHP code so that it’ll be easily readable and usable by others. It covers coding style, file organization, autoloading and standardizes various interfaces.

Fix Multiple Chart Issue in Chart.js

This multiple chart issue usually happens when you hover the mouse to a coordinate that already contains existing data that was just replaced by another data returned from an asynchronous request.

PHP Booleans

PHP has another data type called “boolean”. A boolean is not a string or a number and it can only be either true or false. When we say true, we’re not referring to the string 'true' or even the number 1.

PHP Associative Arrays

PHP has another type of array called “associative array”. An associative array behaves like a regular array, the only difference is that it is object-indexed rather than integer-indexed. In other words, associative arrays are indexed using labels, commonly known as “keys” rather than integers.

PHP Arrays

An array is an ordered, integer-indexed collection of objects. These objects can either be a string, a number or another array.

PHP Numbers

There are two types of number in PHP, namely, integers and floating point numbers, also known as “floats”.

PHP String Functions

PHP has a wide array of built-in functions that can be used when working with strings. Think of these functions as a tool that takes one or more parameters and then returns a result.

PHP Strings

A string is a set of characters (letters, numbers and symbols) inside single quotes, e.g. 'This is a string' or double quotes, e.g. "This is a string".

PHP Request-Response Cycle

This cycle in PHP describes the way that a browser and a web server communicate to process user requests. It may seem simple, but it’s important to keep it in mind while developing with PHP because things like header redirection, output buffering and setting cookies are all affected by this cycle.

PHP Overview

PHP is commonly known as a programming language for the web but technically speaking it is not. It’s actually a server-side scripting language. The main differences between the two are:

Action Hooks in WordPress

Action hooks are used to execute a function when an event is triggered at a specific point during the WordPress loading process like for example, when a page or post is loaded, an Ajax request is performed or when a user has logged in successfully.

Implement an Animated Preloader using CSS and jQuery

The blank white screen works fine when waiting for a page to load in the browser, but would it be better to at least add some kind of indicator like an animated preloader to tell the visitor that something is happening?

The Synchronous Nature of JavaScript

Synchronous just means one at a time. In the context of JavaScript, one line of code is being executed one at a time and in the order they’re written.

WordPress Plugins in a Nutshell

Understanding how WordPress plugins work will be beneficial if you are interested in developing your own or extending existing ones to suit your needs.

Execution Context in JavaScript

When you run a JavaScript file in the browser or invoke a function, an “Execution Context” is created. The execution context that is created when a JavaScript file is executed on the browser is called as the “Global Execution Context”.

XAMPP Send Email from Localhost

If you happen to be using XAMPP as your development environment, the sending of emails via localhost will not work by default if not configured properly.

CSS Positioning

Positioning an element in CSS manipulates its location in the document.

CSS Floats

Floating an element in CSS either to the left or to the right removes it from the normal document flow of its parent element, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it.

CSS Box Model

The CSS box model is a box that contains the margin, padding, border and the content of each HTML element.